BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Joachim B. Hanson

Quick Quotes

Q. 70 today, nearly the perfect ending there but still two birdies in your last three holes. You must reflect on your round today pretty well?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Yeah, I mean, nice finish obviously. Didn't get as many birdies out there as I wanted, but 2-under, I'll take that.

Q. How is the course playing out there in terms of conditions today, a bit colder today, a little bit breezier?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Yeah, it's not far from what it has been the two past days. I'm getting to know about playing in these conditions. Did a good job today.

Q. You put yourself in a fantastic position, clubhouse leader at the moment. What do you take from previous times that you have been contending up to the top when you head into tomorrow for the final day?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: You know, obviously the body is going to be a bit different, a bit more nerves and all that, but I mean, the plan is to go out and do what we've done the first three days here and keep grinding.

Q. You are looking for your first European Tour win, to do it here, at the home of The European Tour, how special would it be?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: It would be very special. We'll see what happens.

Q. 18, how did that miss?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: I don't know, to me, it looked like ball went in the hole. But yeah, just needed a bit more speed and it would have gone in.

Q. How did you find your game on the whole? Incredible bunker shot on the 5th; one of your highlights?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Scrambling was good. I'm grinding it out there. I just needed a few more putts to drop today. One or two dropped shots, which is pretty good on this course.

Q. Course conditions very similar I imagine, and tomorrow, just looks like just sunshine. How will that play out for you?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Lovely. Not as many clothes on hopefully. Be a fun day tomorrow.

Q. You're tied second at the moment as it stabs with a couple of groups coming in, Flagship Event of The European Tour going into Sunday. Are there any emotions coming up just yet?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Obviously it's a big tournament, big players here, as well, and a lot of World Ranking points and all that. It's definitely going to take a little bit tomorrow.

Q. Do you have a figure in mind you need to shoot tomorrow?

JOACHIM B. HANSON: Hopefully something under par and see how it goes.

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