BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. Safe to say you left a few out there today?

TYRRELL HATTON: A little bit, but at the end of the day, it wasn't easy out there and it was nice to finish with a birdie and shoot another round in the 60s and overall pretty happy with how I played.

Q. You do wear your heart on your sleeve out there, we get some good reactions. How do you feel now that you are off the golf course?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, obviously very happy to be in the position I'm in. You can't win the tournament today. There's a lot of golf still to be played tomorrow, so I've just got to go out there tomorrow and try my best. Obviously take confidence from the fact that I've won on Tour before, and hopefully I can control myself and we should have a good day.

Q. You have had that winning feeling this side of the pond, and the other side, not that long ago. What do you take from those final days into tomorrow being out in front?

TYRRELL HATTON: I just know I've got to stay patient tomorrow. Even if guys get off to a really hot start, and I don't, there's so many opportunities out there if you play well, and I just have to allow myself to give myself opportunities to do that. Just have to stay in the moment and see how it plays out.

Q. Is that something that you feel that you have improved on, that you have it in your mentality already when you go into a final day and you're the one that everyone is chasing?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I've been in this position before and gone on to win tournaments. I've been in this position before and not won the tournament. It's so hard to win tournaments in golf. When it's your week, obviously everything falls into place. I've really enjoyed the week so far and I'm just hoping that I can kind of have a good day tomorrow and that's all I can -- I can only control myself and that's what I've got to do.

Q. You've won in some special places, St Andrews being one, but here at Wentworth, a place you used to wander around as a small boy watching the players out there, how special would this one be?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, this would be really special. It's kind of a career goal for me to win this event. Being here as a five-year-old and now being inside the ropes is pretty cool. Hopefully I can do that tomorrow.

Q. Third round, 69, tell us your evaluation of today?

TYRRELL HATTON: It felt like a slow day at times. That's one of the things about Wentworth. You know you're going to have opportunities towards the end of the round. You've just got to try and stay patient, which is obviously normally a struggle for me. I feel like I've done that pretty well so far this week, and tomorrow is going to be no different. Just got to stay patient and see how we get on.

Q. You, along with many players, were having frustrations on the greens. Were they rolling any differently today?

TYRRELL HATTON: No, I don't think so. I mean, the greens have been pretty consistent each day.

Sometimes you sort of see the lines and you hit a good putt and other times, you might hit a good putt and it might just wiggle off. That's just how it goes. Considering we're in October in the U.K., I would say the greens are pretty good.

Q. Obviously Rolex Series wins already under your belt and a third one would mean a lot, especially with the stature associated with Wentworth, coming here as a young boy?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it would be really special to win another Rolex Series, and to win this event would be amazing. But we still have 18 holes to go and a lot can happen in that time.

So I've just got to go out there tomorrow, hopefully play another good round of golf and just see what happens.

Q. Do you have an idea of what kind of score you may be punching at tomorrow?

TYRRELL HATTON: Again, there's so many things that can happen in and around golf. There will be guys that will get off to a really fast start, and even if I don't get off to a great start, I just have to try and stay patient. I just have to control myself and if I can do that, then hopefully I'll have another good round of golf and see where we are at the end.

Q. Is it easier to keep calm out there without the crowd?

TYRRELL HATTON: It's obviously very different to what we are used to. But at the end of the day, you still know what you're playing for, and this is a massive event, and you've just got to go out there and try your best like any other round and tournament.

Q. What color will it be tomorrow?

TYRRELL HATTON: I've only got three colors, so the same or what I've previously wore.

Q. Did you have any input of the design?

TYRRELL HATTON: No. Just got sent through to me a couple of weeks ago, and I actually loved them. I mean, they are so nice to swing in. It's not like jumpers from back in the day where there's like no movement. They are so stretchy and keeps you really warm, so on days like this, it's perfect.

Q. You offered to give some away. Have you been inundated on social media?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, that was kind of crazy, to post that last night, I was going to give out ten of these to ten of my followers, and when I woke up this morning and saw something like 9,500 replies on Twitter; I wonder how many it is now at the end of this round.

But it's pretty cool for Adidas to do it, and the hoodies look good and there's no reason why there should be an issue with it.

Q. Any comments you've enjoyed?

TYRRELL HATTON: There's been quite a few. It's interesting, obviously it creates a bit of a -- what's the word for it -- I can't think of the word now. People are split. They don't know if they like it or not.

Anyway, I think it's a cool thing that people are talking about it, should be open to the idea of creating a more open kind of sport rather than -- don't want it to be kind of snobby. I think you need to move on from that. It's comfortable when you play golf in it and it looks good, then I don't see an issue.

Q. Do you recall singing to yourself going down the 17th hole?

TYRRELL HATTON: I don't think it was me singing. It was probably Mick. I would not be singing with any microphone near me, I can assure you of that. Mick thinks he's a good singer, so probably him.

Q. Three-stroke lead, is there a score that you think would be enough to get it done?

TYRRELL HATTON: I mean, I don't think I need to think of scores tomorrow. There are going to be guys that get off to a fast start, I'm sure, and even if I don't manage to do that, then I just have to stay in the present and try and control myself. Feel like I've been pretty good at that the last couple of days. Obviously level par through seven yesterday, and the same again today, and gone on to shoot nice scores.

So there are opportunities out there on the back nine. I just have to allow myself to be able to play the golf required to give myself opportunities. And I take confidence from the fact that I've been in this position before and gone on to win the tournament, and I'm hoping tomorrow I can do the same.

But there's a lot that can happen in 18 holes of golf, and if I can control myself and I give it the best shot that I can, then what will be, will be.

Q. I think I've asked you this before, any explanation as to why you play so well at this time of year?

TYRRELL HATTON: I don't know. I have no idea why. But hopefully it continues.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102543-1-1003 2020-10-10 16:11:00 GMT

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