BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 11 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Eddie Pepperell

Quick Quotes

Q. How do you reflect on that 69?

EDDIE PEPPERELL: Yeah, today was probably the best I've played all week bar 15 good, got a little sloppy, I hit a poor tee shot on 15, but before that point, I hit the ball really, really well and could have been a few more actually. I just missed a few putts. I did play with the driver today. I had quite a rigid game plan out there and just played -- I knew where my weaknesses were at the moment I didn't want to just expose them at any point today. That's a good week where I've been at and managed myself pretty well.

Q. Four rounds under par around Wentworth where it's playing as long as it is, plenty of positives to take from this week.

EDDIE PEPPERELL: There is to be honest. I've definitely swung the club particularly today with my irons, that's much more how I used to play golf and how I want to play golf, and then I know from there that with my 3-wood, that goes far enough quite often, even on this golf course, where it's very, very soft, I feel like shooting 3-, 4-under par is to be expected, really. Then if you putt well, you can shoot lower and whatever.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy where it's all heading.

Q. You've struggled a little bit with the bubble life, but a Top-10 last week, looks like a better result this week, how are you feeling with your game and the way it is at the moment?

EDDIE PEPPERELL: Yeah, I don't think it's a coincidence that I've stayed at home the last two weeks and with Jen and the dogs this week. Yeah, I'm not going to complain because there's people in worse positions than me, but it's certainly not a lifestyle that I enjoy very much, so I won't participate in this that much frankly.

Yeah, it's been really nice to stay at home for the last two weeks. I'm going to play next week up in Scotland at the Fairmont and then from there, I'm not too sure. I'm hoping this has gotten me into DP World. It would be quite nice if it did.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102569-1-1003 2020-10-11 15:15:00 GMT

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