BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 11 October, 2020

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Andy Sullivan

Quick Quotes

Q. 65, that final round you must be pretty pleased with.

ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, thought I had to do something extraordinary today. Felt quite close to doing that at some points today. A few short putts I missed. Very pleased with what I've.

Q. You had to show a bit of resilience this week as well after that front nine on Thursday, but you battled back really well. Your best finish here, you must look at the whole week really positively.

ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, I think no fans here is the way forward. I think less distractions for me is better. Even on that front nine on Thursday, I was playing really, really well, so I wasn't able to sort of -- out of it, felt like if I just kept playing the way I did I would find myself in contention. Unfortunately just a few too many behind to catch up.

Q. Pretty positive for you since golf restarted, a win, and you were playing well beforehand, but mentally has something shifted in the break from golf?

ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, I think it took a world pandemic how much of an idiot I've been on the golf course. It actually putts a lot of things into perspective. I really enjoyed being at home with the family and spending time with them, and you know, there's a lot worse things to be doing than being on a golf course and moaning about it. Just find myself getting on with it and rededicating myself to the game and giving it my best efforts.

Q. You looked like you're enjoying yourself back out there again?

ANDY SULLIVAN: It's easy to enjoy when you're shooting 65, I'm not going to lie. I have been having a lot of fun recently and I think it's shown in the golf as well.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102570-1-1003 2020-10-11 15:15:00 GMT

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