BMW PGA Championship

Tuesday, 7 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

BRIONY CARLYON: Warm welcome to our defending champion here at the BMW PGA Championship. Take us back to last year to your thoughts and memories and a win which you had on your mind since coming here as a child.

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it kind of feels surreal being back and being defending champion here. Firstly, it's amazing to see the stands back and all the players this week, obviously looking forward to welcoming fans back and I'm sure they will create a great atmosphere for us to play in this week, and the course is in great shape and yeah, it's just nice to be back here.

BRIONY CARLYON: Rolex Series victories seem to go hand-in-hand with yourself. What is it about these events that you seem to perform and take your game to the next level.

TYRRELL HATTON: I guess I've been lucky to play well during these big events. I certainly don't try and change my routine or anything like that. They have fallen on good weeks for me and obviously I'm very thankful for that.

Q. We were told today that your Ryder Cup place isn't actually set in stone. Were you aware of that that you are not 100 per cent qualified. Is that on your mind at all?

TYRRELL HATTON: I heard that today. Paddy told me, it was a touch surprising. It's something like 99.99 per cent in but I think the best thing is -- it's not guaranteed and it saves any awkward stuff on social media I guess if that was to go out and someone was to point out, if this situation happened.

So yeah, obviously not guaranteed but that doesn't change anything going into this week. Yeah, there's a lot of points up for grabs and hopefully I can have a strong week.

Q. You don't look as if it's going to cause you to lose any sleep?


Q. Are you a bit disappointed it's not hoodie weather this week?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, the hoodies are scripted but we'll see. I think everyone will be pretty happy if the weather stayed like this. It's certainly beautiful at the moment and the course is in great shape and it's only going to help the course.

Q. Have you got a summer collection planned?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, I'm scripted for polos and hoodies this week. So if the weather permits and I need to putt another layer on, then the hoodies will be back out.

Q. Just going into The Ryder Cup, how good is it to come to a place where you obviously played well before and you have the victory this year to get momentum, not just this event but looking forward to two weeks hopefully?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it's obviously good memories coming back here. To be honest I only live sort of 25, 35 minutes away anyway. Been lucky enough to play here numerous times when I've been back here in the U.K. to the point where it almost feels a bit like a second home course.

So yeah, I feel pretty comfortable out there, and hopefully I can have a good week this week. I know my form's not been that great for the last sort of three or four months maybe. But hopefully I can find something this week that if I make The Ryder Cup Team, certainly hopefully I can help the team out.

Q. You thrive off the emotions of the crowd. How hard was it last year to get yourself going?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, it wasn't my first event with no fans. I think I started up again sometime, was it early June. So we had had a few months, and you just kind of get used to it. At the end of the day you know what you're playing for. Yes, it was a shame that the fans couldn't be here or see, but that was the safest thing to do.

But you still know what you're playing for. You still have all this like sort of feelings on a Sunday, and hopefully I can -- it would be great to put up a good defense this week, so I'd love to have another chance to win. I know it would certainly make it very special. I'm going to have all my family here this week. So it will be nice to play well in front of them.

Q. Even though you're not 100 per cent yourself like you said, I have to ask you about your playing partner this week, Viktor Hovland. How did you see his position and role in The Ryder Cup?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, he's a fantastic player, isn't he, and he's certainly going to be a fantastic asset to Team Europe. Although he's classed as a rookie, he's more than proved himself to be a world-class player and I think that he will be more than comfortable on that stage. Yeah, I'm sure he'll have a great Ryder Cup.

Q. Pádraig mentioned that basically everyone had said they wanted to play with him. Are you one of those?

TYRRELL HATTON: Play with who, sorry?

Q. With Viktor.

TYRRELL HATTON: Oh, well, I'll play with anyone. I've got no issues with any guys that are in the team, and yeah, I think who are you're selected to pair with, there will be reasons for that and why your numbers work well with that player. And then it's a case of obviously going out there and playing as well as you can and that's all you can do.

BRIONY CARLYON: Tyrrell, thank you very much for your time today. All the best for this week. We wish you well.

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