BMW PGA Championship

Tuesday, 7 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Henrik Stenson

Quick Quotes

Q. It's obviously as well as the BMW PGA Championship this week, the last week of Ryder Cup qualification before Pádraig announces the team. You've been playing well of late. Do you think you're in the frame for a pick?

HENRIK STENSON: I wouldn't keep my high hopes up. I think some of the spots are heading in certain directions, and there's a lot of things that can happen here this last week, players that can jump past each other and push each other out from certain lists and that might influence kind of the setup of the team, as well.

We'll see. There might still be something to play for. A win here might change some minds, who knows, but I'm just going to go about this tournament like I would normally and try and prepare well and go out and do my job and we'll see where it takes us. It has been nice to be in contention a few weeks as of late and play a little bit better, but we still haven't been quite where we want to be or need to be.

Hopefully the work that we do will keep trending in the right direction and we can have a strong finish on this little European Tour I've been on, four weeks in Europe. I think it's been probably ten years ago since I did that. It's been fun.

Q. If you're not in Whistling Straits, will you be there with a radio and on a buggy?

HENRIK STENSON: That's to be decided I guess. We've already got four vice captains announced so there's not too many spots for that either. These spots seem to come harder these days. We'll see if we'll be there or not.

Q. Is that a conversation you'll have with Pádraig?

HENRIK STENSON: We'll have to wait and see on Monday. A lot of things will be straightened out this week but we'll see what's what. If we are not going to be there, we're not going to be there, or if we are there in one or two capacities, we'll see if that happens. I don't have much input to give you, sorry.

Q. The sort of common belief seems to be that two of the captain's picks are going to be Sergio and Ian Poulter. I know you'll not tell me, but they are two veteran players you've played with on teams in the past?

HENRIK STENSON: If that's the case, I'm not going to bet against those two guys. They have got great records and careers and they both have played well. I'd be lying if I wasn't looking in that direction, too.

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112248-1-1003 2021-09-07 16:35:00 GMT

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