BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 9 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Kiradech Aphibarnrat

Press Conference

Q. Seven birdies in eight holes, tell us about that run from your point of view.

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: Incredible, to be honest, my putter working very well today, a lot of good ball-striking, tee-to-green was lovely. I think I had a couple missed shots, especially the last hole, I was trying to catch at the ball make sure it get over the rough. But catch it a little bit too thin. But overall, holed a long par putt which is fantastic.

Q. What goes through your mind when you're birdieing hole after hole after hole?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: Well, to be honest I really enjoy it. I just want to came out here and enjoy every single minute that I spend on European Tour. It feel like every time I come back it just feels like home. I feel comfortable over here. See some friends. See my coaches. And lovely golf course. I enjoy every time I come back to Wentworth.

Q. Recent results have been much better because you missed 11 of your first 15 cuts, not like you. What was going wrong and what now is going right?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: I'm just trying to get that off my head. I had a really hard time last two years playing with injury, hurting my right knee after the Masters, and then when the COVID was hit I have to go back to my country and stuck in the country for eight months and couldn't play much golf.

When I came back out, I just couldn't get the rhythm to play a golf tournament. I get nerves to go on the first tee, I don't know how to move the ball. I didn't feel comfortable on the golf course as all.

After I get my TOUR card back from the Korn Ferry finals, get in the PGA TOUR again, it just like loosened me up so I feel free to play my own game. I feel more comfortable on the golf course to be honest.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112278-1-1003 2021-09-09 12:10:00 GMT

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