BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 9 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Adam Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under par 65. What pleased you most about your play today?

ADAM SCOTT: A lot of really good, solid stuff. Generally it was fairways and greens. There wasn't too much squirrely stuff, although a couple wedges coming in, could have been better. Then on 15, I got out of jail and made an incredible 3. Nice to get break and take advantage of it.

Q. Talk us through that birdie on 15. It looked like one of the most unlikely, if not the most unlikely.

ADAM SCOTT: I definitely thought the first ball was out-of-bounds but it must have clouded around in the trees and dropped down. The second ball actually night not have been any better off the tee but found the first one and punched it up there. That was a good shot, hit it 50 yards and flicked it straight at the hole.

Some days it's your day out there, and it kind of felt like that a bit for me today. It was nice to make the most of it and shoot a good number.

Q. Your caddie this week is your coach, Brad. How does that dynamic work on the course?

ADAM SCOTT: It worked good today, so we'll see how the next three days go. But he's caddied for me once before, and he likes getting in there and having a look and seeing what's going on every once in a while on the course.

It's not been the easiest year on the course for me. I've struggled to get momentum going, unlike today. Maybe driver is the answer today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112280-1-1003 2021-09-09 12:46:00 GMT

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