BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 9 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Miguel Angel Jimenez

Quick Quotes

Q. A 68, how much do you enjoy playing golf around here?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: I love it very much. I've played so many times on this golf course, every time I come here I always enjoy myself so much on this golf course. Especially the BMW PGA, it's in superb condition, fast fairways and things, fast greens, and you stay out of the rough, you do very well. Great golf course. I love it.

Q. Your 30th anniversary at this event. Do you still enjoy it as much now as when you first came?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: I always enjoy coming here. The moment I leave now here this week, to me, this is the best week of all of them.

Q. What did you do well today?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: I played very solid. I make six birdies, two bogeys. Not missing the green. All part of my game very consistent. Good driver, good tee shots, maybe miss by one yard on the fairway but always good shots to the green. Good putts.

I made the two bogeys. I make bogey on No. 5 from the back of the green and very long putt. Two putts from there.

Then on 15, I miss the fairway with my 3-wood and then fly up there on the green and I missed the putt from 5-foot for par.

Then on 17, made from six or seven feet for birdie. It's good. I'm happy the way I played today. I cannot say one part is better than another one.

Q. How much energy do you get from the fans, especially here at Wentworth?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: I love them. I love the fans that after 30 years I've been coming to play here, they know me a long time. The first thing they tell me, tickets, okay, and of course, a lot of friends here and I really enjoy myself here.

Q. Is it extra special playing well in front of them?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: Of course it's special. They are waiting to have a tournament around here. For example at the Senior Open at Sunningdale next door, all my friends love it, they follow me and they are already here and they follow me. Of course, it's 9.30, not early for me, for them.

Q. What's the secret to your longevity?

MIGUEL ANGEL JIMÉNEZ: (Chuckles) well, nice wines, nice whiskey with a big fat cigar, that's it the, and enjoy yourself. Of course what other people can see, but gym and work out a little bit and a little cardio and that's the main thing what you need to do.

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