BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Laurie Canter

Quick Quotes

Q. Terrific round of 66 out there today, final total doesn't tell us the full story so give us an indication of how you put it together?

LAURIE CANTER: I just played pretty solid, really. Hit it pretty well off the tee to be honest, in the correct spots on time and into the greens, just a question of being patient and getting the putter to work for you, which it did today.

Q. Is there a difference this week to be playing as well as you are?

LAURIE CANTER: Honestly if I knew, I would tell you, but I don't. It's golf. I don't think there's much of a difference between playing well and not, it's not much. If you're out here, you're capable of shooting a low number. I think sometimes just getting up-and-down at the right time, hitting the green at the right time, all that kind of stuff and momentum is huge.

Maybe this week, it's such a strategic golf course, and I just have to have an extra level of patience. Obviously it's all gone great for two days but I felt like potentially coming into this week, knowing this is what I'm in for, it's front and center in my head and enabled me to play better.

Q. How exciting to be in the position that you are in a tournament of this status so close to where you live?

LAURIE CANTER: It's great. I've come here and watched this event like a lot of the guys that live in this area, so it's great. Just keep doing the same stuff and see what happens.

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