BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Thomas Pieters

Quick Quotes

Q. A second round 66. Do you feel conditions are favourable for that type of score?

THOMAS PIETERS: definitely, the greens are smoother than yesterday afternoon obviously. Early on there was no wind but it's still such a tough course that you need to hit golf shots, and I hit a few today but overall the first two days, I scrambled ball well and got up-and-down from everywhere.

Q. What pleased you about your game this morning?

THOMAS PIETERS: how I just got up-and-down. I got out of position a couple times on the back nine and made par from like 80 yards or long bunker shots. That's the kind of stuff that keeps the round going.

Q. Could you take anything from your performance last week in Italy and this week?

THOMAS PIETERS: yeah, I've been striking the ball well so that's always good around here. I just needed to find something with my putting and I holed some nice putts. Feel like I've made a couple changes and it paid off these last few days.

Q. Do you feel like a golf course like this suits your game?

THOMAS PIETERS: yeah, I just love a really tough challenge just mentally.

Q. What's the atmosphere like?

THOMAS PIETERS: fantastic. Friends and family out, it's a lot of fun.

Q. What's it like to be in the Flagship Event and be in contention in this tournament?

THOMAS PIETERS: yeah, it's the one we look forward to the whole year and hopefully put in a good performance this weekend.

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112297-2-1003 2021-09-10 12:38:00 GMT

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