BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Kiradech Aphibarnrat

Quick Quotes

Q. You're at 12-under par, you were tied for the lead after the first round with 8-under par 64, and hard to back up a good score with another one. How pleased are you with your 68?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: I'm really happy the way I'm playing. I was struggling, well, I'm struggling -- first bogey and then next one coming up again, 13. But overall, I'm really proud the way I played.

Q. You said to Tim yesterday that it's all changed, you got your card back on the Korn Ferry. What has changed about you and how you feel out there to allow you to go back to playing the golf you know you can?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: Get my TOUR card back, I can play free and I love to hit right-to-left and left-to-right, before I was a little tight, trying to hit everything straight and perfect position, which you can't do. Now when I got the card back, look forward to next season. I feel like I want to play my own game and enjoy.

I'm really proud the way I'm playing first two rounds. A lot of good stuff in there. I mean, everyone tried to get a low score but this golf course, you can hit a lot of birdies but it can hurt you if you're out of position. I tried to play for more fairways, more greens. My putter was rolling well this week and really pleased.

Q. How difficult is it to back up a 64?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: I didn't have that in my mind. I just go out there and really enjoy the moment that I play freely and swing it well, striking the ball, enjoying every second that I'm playing well. It doesn't have any expectation in my head the whole day.

Q. Bogeys on 11 and 13, how pleased to bounce back after those?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: Yeah, it was good bounce-back on 12 and 14. But the bogey on 11, it a little bit hurt me. I was trying to play 36 holes without bogeys. But just one bad drive and up in the left bush in the rough, not easy to come out but a big save, though, a big 5.

But then good bounce-back on 12. Another bogey on 13 which is just bad second shot. Still a lot of things inside the game today.

Q. And a couple of birdies after that.

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: Yeah, I just want to keep it under the hole. I hit a solid 7, landed it pin-high, six to eight feet downhill putt, and looking good the whole way after the impact. Never left the pin. I know it was going to be good. Got on the low side of the hole and make the putt.

Q. How much are you looking forward to the challenge of the weekend?

KIRADECH APHIBARNRAT: I don't want to really set up the goal to be honest. I just want to go out there and swing, what I'm doing the first two rounds, do the same thing I'm doing, try to hit fairways, greens. Whatever the result, at the end of the day, I just accept.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112303-1-1003 2021-09-10 15:53:00 GMT

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