BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Bernd Wiesberger

Quick Quotes

Q. 67, pleased with your day's work?

BERND WIESBERGER: Yeah, good Friday. Felt comfortable out there. Quite steady all day. Gave myself a lot of chances late in the front nine. Didn't get ahead of myself when I missed a few holes opportunities, and really kind of kick-started and holed a long one on 11, as you can see, got the round going. Really good day. Stayed quite patient.

Q. Thoughts going into the weekend, 6-under?

BERND WIESBERGER: Yeah, good. Still in the golf tournament and I'm in good position. Trying to push forward to keep doing what we did the first two days. I made really steady golf and felt that was under control for the most part. You know, putts started to drop and I feel comfortable out there. You know, I want to see myself closer to the top of the leaderboard come the weekend.

Q. What was going through your mind after bogeying the first being on the cut line?

BERND WIESBERGER: Nothing, really. Was a little bit caught off guard that that putt was that slow, and showed some character and hit a really good shot into 2 and getting that straight back. After 5, 6, I settled down really well and had a lot of chances and stayed patient when they didn't drop. All of a sudden I holed one on 11 and got my round going with a few kick-ins after that. It was nice to collect those.

I didn't get ahead of myself. I knew there were plenty of chances. I played the back nine really well yesterday as well and there were chances to be had. You know, took a lot of them late in the round.

Q. How important was that birdie on 11, the fist pump there, in terms of momentum?

BERND WIESBERGER: Yeah, obviously my caddie said just stay patient, they are going to drop and they are going to fly, and it was good to get one under my belt in that moment with a gettable par 5 coming up.

So really felt like I wasn't nervous at any point or anything, but just need that had one little click for the round to kick start and that was a great one to get there in front of all the people on the green.

Q. Overall how important was that back nine?

BERND WIESBERGER: Yeah, even yesterday, you know, mostly yesterday, standing 2-over par on the 17th tee, not doing massively too much wrong throughout the day. But didn't really catch momentum, and especially in these big events, it's just about staying patient and waiting for the turn, keep staying positive and sometimes it's tricky for me but I feel like I'm quite relaxed this week, given that I feel under control in my long game. Going to give myself a lot of chances and feel like when the odd one drops in, I feel like I made a good run and that's what happened on the back nine yesterday and again today.

Q. 6-under, quite bunched on the leaderboard. How much are you looking forward to the challenge of the weekend?

BERND WIESBERGER: Yeah, it's been good fun. There's a couple of frontrunners. Kiradech obviously is on a high after getting his card in the States back last weekend, and Laurie is playing lovely golf.

Halfway stage, and trying to get a little quicker of a start over the weekend on the front nine and do the same thing on the back nine.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112306-1-1003 2021-09-10 17:58:00 GMT

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