BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Adam Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. Another really solid round. You look relaxed and comfortable out there this week.

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, I am. I feel like my game is in good shape, and it's kind of a bonus to be playing here for me, really. I'm happy that it fell into my schedule. Brings back a lot of good memories from early on in my career. There has always been such a great atmosphere here at Wentworth, so happy to be in the mix.

Q. It's been 15 years. Time flies, doesn't it.

ADAM SCOTT: Kind of. Certainly ages me when we hear things like that. I've always enjoyed coming here and I moved myself over to America a bit, but now that I have the chance to come back, I hope I get many more chances in the future.

Q. Is it nice to come back and bring back those memories and remember what you thought about the game of golf back then, what's happened in your career since then and just kind of enjoy being out on the golf course?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, it's been great. I mean, early in the week, the sun was shining and it was really glorious, and then getting paired with Justin the first two rounds, our careers have paralleled each other the whole way, and I've really enjoyed myself these two days.

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