BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 10 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Francesco Laporta

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice way to finish.

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Nice finish in the dark. Played solid today. It was nice to finish with a birdie and another weekend and it's going to be great tomorrow.

Q. 11-under total, one shot off the lead. How excited about going into the weekend in a Rolex Series Event and obviously in front of all these crowds as well?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: It's going to be amazing. I don't think I've ever played in front of all these crowds. It's great to see some people, and yesterday was nice. I really enjoyed it.

Q. Can you tell me what really clicked? No bogeys on the card on a difficult golf course.

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: I made a couple up-and-downs. It was great to get off with two pars on the first and the second and after that, just to may fantastic golf and I think I only made a couple bad shots and it was perfect. Short game was pretty good. Just try to keep going for the weekend.

Q. Were you playing quicker? Was there an adrenaline rush, from the whole round really?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Yeah, I played the last two holes, I asked the referees, if the players ahead were in the fairway and they told us, yeah, if you want to go for it, then yeah, it was a bit quick those two holes. It was great to have a big leaderboard on the left side. It was dark.

Q. So you saw the hole?

FRANCESCO LAPORTA: Yeah, I saw the hole. I saw the line and I actually think, just make a 2-putt, and it was a good line, good pace, so made it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112309-1-1003 2021-09-10 18:53:00 GMT

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