BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 11 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Sean Crocker

Quick Quotes

Q. Give us your thoughts on a 66, joint-lowest round of the day to putt you in contention for this tournament?

SEAN CROCKER: It was a good day. I hit my irons really well today and I controlled my distance and shot shape the whole day pretty well. Drove it for the most part in the holes that you have to hit fairways and I kept it in the fairway and holed some putts, which is the key to my success. If my putter gets working I have a chance to win just about every week.

Q. Did you feel when you teed up this morning a score was out there?

SEAN CROCKER: From yesterday, I would say so. The first two days, my draw didn't have the greatest weather. We played 1 in the rain and that's the most brutal hole out there in the rain. Today it's calm and sun is out. It's out there.

Q. Talk us through your second shot on 17 and the birdie that followed.

SEAN CROCKER: I think I had 230-something to the front and 250 to the hole just out of the rough. Obviously it was a downslope, we thought just 4-iron, any type of solid contact should kick and chase and did exactly that. Went up to 20 feet and lagged it from there to make four.

Q. The last three weeks you've shown some cracking form. How close do you feel you are to a win?

SEAN CROCKER: Very close but again we're out here to win and have trophies, and I'm not teeing it up unless I'm trying to win. But that's not really in my mind. I'm just trying to control my minds and play my own golf and whatever happens from there when I sign my score on Sunday is what happens.

Q. How much support are you getting from the crowd?

SEAN CROCKER: It's unbelievable. We rarely ever get a week where we get this amount of fans out there and it's been amazing. I had a couple guys I've obviously never known in my life had a couple beers and they start cheering and it's amazing. That's kind of why we play golf is the fans cheering you on and the atmosphere out here is amazing.

Q. Last couple tournaments you've been in the final groups. What can you take from the experience?

SEAN CROCKER: The last two weeks I've either been in the final group or second-to-last, the last two weeks. It's a huge experience coming with it just being behind me. I'm going to take from what I had those last few weeks and see what I can do tomorrow.

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