BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 11 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Adam Scott

Quick Quotes

Q. Topsy-turvy start?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, that's two days in a row it's been a rough start but that can happen here. You know, you've just got to settle down and knuckle down and I did, and I've kind of left myself work to do the last three holes each day and so far I've managed to do it okay. But I really don't want to be in that position tomorrow. I'd like to get off to a good start and get the momentum on my side, and then this course can really present itself to you.

Q. How important are those two birdies on the last three to get you in contention for this championship?

ADAM SCOTT: It had to be if I want to think I've got a chance. It's so bunched. There's going to be one or two guys, at least, tomorrow who shoot a good score. You can't afford to be four back when there's so many guys up there.

Q. How will you go about tomorrow, better start?

ADAM SCOTT: I think that's the key. What I'm going to focus on now is the first three holes and try and get under par through three or four, and I think there's a good score out there.

Q. Is that a mental thing?

ADAM SCOTT: It's a bit of both. I mean, you know, there's the pressure coming tomorrow. They are tough holes. You don't have to do a lot wrong to make a bogey. But in saying that, in two good shots, you can make a birdie and really get moving in the right direction.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112323-1-1003 2021-09-11 16:28:00 GMT

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