BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 11 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Laurie Canter

Quick Quotes

Q. You've said you like this golf course and it does suit your eye. What was the key to keeping yourself right up there?

LAURIE CANTER: It was similar to yesterday. I felt like I controlled the ball pretty well and hit it in the right spots and was patient. Obviously didn't score quite as well as yesterday. Couple poor shots, one on 1, but taking the whole day as a whole, I'm happy with how I played and quite chuffed for tomorrow.

Q. Three solid rounds. How much are you enjoying it out there? How much is it a case of putting things out of your mind, ignoring friends and family that might be following you along the way and just trying to do your job essentially and take in the experience?

LAURIE CANTER: Well, I'm trying to enjoy it. I'm trying to enjoy the experience because I think you have to. It's the best part of the job when you're playing well and there's atmosphere and so to take it in, obviously remain focused on what you have to do. But it's a nice atmosphere and try and enjoy it.

Q. It's been an interesting season in terms of players that have come through and won for the first time on The European Tour and perhaps surprise a few people at certain events. How much do you look at what others have achieved as you go into tomorrow potentially with a chance of winning this Flagship Event in England?

LAURIE CANTER: Yeah, there's a lot of good players. There are a lot of good players that people don't know about who are here this week, and it's just taking an opportunity and every week when you're going well in a slightly more open-minded way. I think most people out here believe they can win, anyway, and it is nice to see. I think I can win any week to be honest, so it's just a question of going out and executing.

Q. You have a belief; does the mindset change at all going into those final 18 holes?

LAURIE CANTER: No. So that's certainly not until I felt like something changed, but the way I'm trying to play and approach every hole, and ultimately if you give yourself opportunities, it's down to holing putts. The variables in golf we all know about.

So I think I'll be doing pretty much the same and hopefully executing well and kind of see where I end up.

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