BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 12 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Billy Horschel

Quick Quotes

Q. You told us how special this tournament is and how much you wanted to win it and you just have. Describe it for us.

BILLY HORSCHEL: Man, I'm speechless, which is very, very rare. As I've said two years ago and as I said this week the crowds are absolutely unbelievable here and they supported me when I came over in 2019 and they supported me this year. Played really good today, really well. Obviously missed a few putts. To win this event means a lot.

As I said yesterday, in my mind, it's equivalent to The PLAYERS Championship. We have a great event on the PGA TOUR and I live there and would love to live that one but I have this one under my belt, and I'm very happy.

Q. There are always key moments at any point in a final round. For you what were they today?

BILLY HORSCHEL: I think started off, making par at No. 1 was huge. Fooch and I played a flyer like we have all week and hit it over the green and made a big putt for par. I played really great all around. Making the birdie at 15 was huge. Getting me I think tied for the lead at the moment at 18-under with three holes to play, three birdie holes, and I knew if I could birdie two of the three I probably would win the event. But one birdie was good enough.

Q. The second time in your career you've won a massive championship just after they have made The Ryder Cup picks. You must be gutted about that. If Brooks is unable to play due to injury, are you expecting a call from Captain Stricker?

BILLY HORSCHEL: I don't know. It sucks not making the team. As I said all week, I didn't play consistent enough and well enough after I won the Match Play to warrant a pick or to get enough points to be an automatic selection.

I was a little gutted I didn't get a call this week. I didn't think the call was going to say I made the team, but I was a little gutted that I didn't get a call to say, you didn't make the team. In my mind I thought I would at least get that. There was a little more added motivation this week for that.

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112349-1-1003 2021-09-12 16:35:00 GMT

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