BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 12 September, 2021

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Laurie Canter

Quick Quotes

Q. Give us your feelings, how you were feeling on the first tee and the emotions you experienced during the round?

LAURIE CANTER: Yeah, I played nicely and holed some nice putts. Felt like if I got to 5-under par -- then just didn't perhaps take advantage of a couple holes.

Q. Did you have a number in mind?

LAURIE CANTER: No, I didn't. To shoot what I shot, I would have thought that had a nice chance, considering I was clear of third place and Francesco, my playing partner wasn't going low.

Q. Disappointing to shoot 5-under in a Rolex Series Event in a final round, you must take some positives from that?

LAURIE CANTER: Yeah, it was a good day. Just working so hard on my chipping and I have been for a while. It let me down last year a little bit. I was trying to play the right shot, hopefully stiff it and win the tournament, but just executed poorly. Didn't get the next one up-and-down.

At the moment, I am disappointed. Probably more disappointed than I imagined to come second. But yeah, at this point in time, I just feel like I would love to have the opportunity to win a huge event.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
112350-1-1003 2021-09-12 16:37:00 GMT

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