BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matthieu Pavon

Quick Quotes

Q. 4-under, great start here at the BMW PGA Championship. Tell us your thoughts going out first this morning?

MATTHIEU PAVON: Yeah, that was quit nice to go first. To be fair when we started we had rain and poor visibility, so it was awkward to start that early. But after three or four holes, everything went clearer, and I hit some good shots afterwards. Made a good birdie on the fourth and looks like it just made my day moving forward, and this is what I did on the back nine also.

Q. You said you had to set your alarm at 4.15. What it was like getting that up time of day?

MATTHIEU PAVON: I never get a tee time that early. I think the earliest we get on tour is 7.30 which is a good hour difference. It's hard to get up, but after -- when you are, it's so great to play Wentworth first. You have good greens and we were lucky to have good weather for 13 holes, and I really enjoyed it.

Q. What's the course playing like?

MATTHIEU PAVON: It's quite wet. I would say it's very different than the past few years. Usually it plays firmer also on the greens. Today was wet. Early, like 6.40, the ball wasn't flying a lot. You're pretty much in your pitchmark when you drive. Makes maybe the way you go for some flags easier because it's just target golf but for sure don't have to hit many in the rough, full of water and quite thick. Different.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124489-1-1003 2022-09-08 12:37:00 GMT

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