BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matthew Jordan

Quick Quotes

Q. Opening round 65 here at the BMW PGA Championship, could you have hoped to start better?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Probably not. I'm delighted. I've been playing quite well and it was nice to carry it on because I have that expectation knowing that you're playing well but it's golf so it never kind of carries on like that.

Q. Going out early, was it target golf or focusing on what you wanted to?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Yeah, it was certainly soft, and the ball was pitching and plugging, and I guess that makes it easier with pitch numbers. But it was going nowhere because of the rain and it was early. So it was quite hard to adjust in terms of being able to take an eagle hit and actually tell yourself to hit one more club.

Q. How do you feel, coming off your best result this season, you must be coming in this week with a lot of confidence?

MATTHEW JORDAN: I've been playing actually quite well. I mean, I've said to a few of the guys, kind of my scoring, it's been coming but it just hasn't happened. Thankfully it's coming at the right time. I have to be patient -- or I got told that I have to be patient, anyway, and thankfully they were right.

Q. Very, very difficult conditions. What was your mindset when you made bogey?

MATTHEW JORDAN: To keep going. I knew the early rain was going to pass for a couple of holes, so I was just trying to stall. Didn't quite do that, but it stopped and picked up a couple and was into my rhythm. Once the rain came at the end, kind of got used to it in a way, so it wasn't as bad as the start.

Q. Coming after your best finish last week, top five finish, what have you found out about your game the past few weeks?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Scoring, I've been playing actually all right, but the scores I've creating haven't really been as good as I've played to be honest. So I just had to be going with putting and the scoring shots and just work really hard at it because I was going to have to figure it out. Thankfully it started to pay off.

Q. You always want to play well but does it mean something a little bit special when you play well in the Flagship Event?

MATTHEW JORDAN: Of course. If you were to pick the events to play well in, this is right up there, isn't it. So you just prepare and you probably do try a bit harder. Certainly for me it makes me concentrate a bit more, which is probably a good I think this, and then yeah, you just have to go out and execute.

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