BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Ian Poulter

Quick Quotes

Q. How has it been?

IAN POULTER: It's been absolutely fine. Not really going to say an awful lot about it. My phone number hasn't changed at all. I have spoke it a few of the boys. Doesn't seem to be a problem from my time that I've been talking to them. We can always play this game of he said, she said, and petty comments. It's just easier if I don't say anything. It makes it easier on everyone to be honest. So not going to say anything.

Q. Along those lines, I know you don't want to say anything. However, are you surprised at the level of vitriol between players, not on social media or the public, but between players? Seems like it's escalated to a point where people are surprised. Are you surprised?

IAN POULTER: There's been a lot of petty comments in the last few weeks and I'm not going to comment on them.

Q. Is your plan to play more European Tour events going forward?

IAN POULTER: I'm planning to try and win this golf tournament. That's my plan.

Q. Decent finish to your round but give us an idea of what the reception has been like from the fans and the players in the locker room?

IAN POULTER: Fans have been great and it's always nice to come back here and play. You know, through my time here, this wasn't my love affair to come and play golf here because I haven't played very well. I stayed away for a couple years and I've been Back and supported this tournament a lot and that's exactly what I've done this week.

Q. In terms of the reception on the range and in the locker room this week, given all that's been said in the build up to this week?

IAN POULTER: I never, ever used this locker room in all my years I've been here. I don't have to go in there. But everyone I've spoke to -- I've spoke to the guys a lot in the last number of months, none of which seemed to have a problem with me at my age making a decision that I've made.

So you know, I'm not going to comment on people's comments that have said stuff on socials and in front of you guys, and I'm not going to play the click bait game. I'm just not playing it. I'm here to win and that's that.

Q. Got to ask you, given that Keith Pelley requested the LIV guys not to be wearing LIV logos and so forth, I can see the Majesticks, the LIV team on your left shoulder. Is that a deliberate thing or is it just a fact that it's the only shirt you've got or whatever?

IAN POULTER: I've had a lot of different branded shirts in the last number of weeks. This is a business that I actually own part of, so it has a right to be there.

Q. So in that respect, you've will fly defied the request of Keith Pelley?

IAN POULTER: No, I just have had about six different sets of clothes in the last five weeks of which I can't possibly go to the embroiderers and have another set made up for this week. I am here for three weeks. I'm traveling, so this was the set I brought.

Q. Do you feel welcome here?

IAN POULTER: Between every I've seen, yeah, I do. Yeah.

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