BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Jason Scrivener

Quick Quotes

Q. Incredible start here at Wentworth. Talk us through the first round, 66 you just carded.

JASON SCRIVENER: Played really nicely. Hit the ball for ages. That was some really good golf tee-to-green, which was and holed some really nice putts, too.

Q. Haven't seen you skins the genesis Scottish Open, and of course St Andrews, two great weeks for you. What have you been working on?

JASON SCRIVENER: I did the Korn Ferry final event. Played the last three weeks and didn't play great. Didn't get my card. Committed to Europe for the rest of the year and hopefully I can play a bit more like that.

Q. Of course the course is playing very differently than the last couple years where it's been a lot firmer. How did you find it?

JASON SCRIVENER: A lot softer than we usually play it, which have good. But yeah, still definitely very scorable and plenty of birdies.

Q. Challenges off the tee, and the rough is not as big as what you've been seeing, but when it's wet, it's tough?

JASON SCRIVENER: Absolutely, I think hitting fairways is obviously very key and then plenty of opportunities going into the greens and plenty of opportunities out there.

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