BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

David Law

Quick Quotes

Q. 67; thoughts on the day?

DAVID LAW: Really happy. It wasn't easy. The weather has came back in just as we were finishing and it's been on and off all day. On the whole we were pretty lucky. It's made the course play a bit longer but at the same time the greens are soft. There's still a lot of chances there but yeah, to come away 5-under par in conditions like this, I'm really happy.

Q. Tough to keep the rhythm when the weather is chopping and changing like this?

DAVID LAW: Waterproofs on off, on off, umbrella down, it was pretty slow and sort of tiring the first 12 holes. Then we got a bit of a run coming in which was nice and there wasn't really any rain until 18. Yeah, I mean, it's a tough day. If it stays like that all afternoon, the scoring won't be particularly great.

Q. Tell us about 6.

DAVID LAW: Yeah, we had 144 yards, 9-iron and one bounced in the hole, and again, I think we had umbrellas up at the time and you can't really see it but I thought I heard my old man screaming "Yes!" So I thought, it must have a chance.

Q. What do you expect tomorrow?

DAVID LAW: The same as today I I think. It will play pretty long. The surfaces are still good so you can hole putts on them and you can get the ball close because obviously it's pretty soft.

Q. What's pleased you most about your game today?

DAVID LAW: Probably putting. Didn't putt well at all last week and today I still had quite a lot of chances that didn't go in. Probably more the putting than anything else.

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