BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Andy Sullivan

Quick Quotes

Q. Top of the leaderboard with Tommy. How are you feeling walking off 18?

ANDY SULLIVAN: Elated. Buzzing a finish was the main concern. I think we got on sort of 17th tee, and I seen the cars coming out, and I thought, oh, no, don't stop now because I've got a bit of a momentum rolling.

Yeah, I was just buzzing to get finished and wanted to just keep the momentum going. I felt like I was swinging it really, really well. And it was good.

Q. Speaking of momentum, you're getting sun, rain, sun, rain, sun and rain at one point. How tough is it to keep that rhythm going when the weather is changing on you so much?

ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, again, it just -- so many different elements, I felt like you just -- fairways were a massive premium today I felt like. Using the fairway, you could make a score. But then, again, when you're using the fairway, you're trying to take the spin off it to control it in there.

So it was tricky out there. I know there's been low scores out there today, but it's tricky out there. If you're not in the fairway, I don't think the scores are there to be had.

So I'm under no illusion that Wentworth won't show its teeth at some point, as it always does.

Q. Unfortunately, looks like much of the same tomorrow. How is the course going to hold up before we get a bit of sunshine on the weekend?

ANDY SULLIVAN: Yeah, seems to be doing great. The greens have been fantastic. I don't mind it being wet here. I think one time it rained here, I finished third. So as long as it's wet, I'm quite happy around here.

Q. I was going to say 2020 was your best year. You came tied third. Unfortunately, it was a year when you couldn't have many fan support. But this year is going to be a lot different for you. How much do you want to show up for the fans this weekend?

ANDY SULLIVAN: Oh, massive. I've got great support, loads of friends and family out there. Yeah, it's good. It's nice to have that home crowd feel and getting a lot of cheers today. It's amazing. For me, there's no better week than Wentworth. Wentworth is just top of the pot for me.

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124497-1-1222 2022-09-08 15:54:00 GMT

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