BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 8 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Viktor Hovland

Quick Quotes

Q. The highlight came late, walk us through the eagle on 18.

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, that was nice. Haven't made a lot of putts the whole day. So it was a good start. Hit the driver off the tee and put it in the fairway. It was just a perfect 4-iron, and I hit kind of a low one into the wind on the right side of the green, and made a really nice 25-footer down the hill. So that was a good way to finish the day.

Q. Talk about how difficult it was with the conditions out there. What did you do well today?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Just stayed patient. I hit a lot of really good iron shots, and I just kept giving myself a lot of looks. I made some birdies early, but I really didn't get that momentum that I was looking for. But I kept staying patient, and finally I made some putts coming in.

Q. You've been consistent throughout the playoffs. Can you take that consistency into whatever you do in the fall?

VIKTOR HOVLAND: Yeah, just to be honest, I really haven't played that well recently. I've been putting really well, and I feel like I'm making good gains around the greens, but I just haven't been hitting it as well as I've normally been hitting it. But I feel like that's starting to come around a little bit.

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124500-1-1222 2022-09-08 17:29:00 GMT

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