BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Soren Kjeldsen

Quick Quotes

Q. 64, four shots better today, what was the difference?

SØREN KJELDSEN: Made a few more putts today. I putted decent yesterday obviously. But I putted well today I thought, so there was the four shots.

Q. 64, had an incredible second into 18. Does it make it easier to forget those eagle putts that might have run away?

SØREN KJELDSEN: It's a game like that, isn't it. If you only focus on the ones you miss, you're going to have a pretty miserable time so it's better to spend time thinking about the ones you make. I certainly try to do that.

Q. Top five in 2008 and 2009. It's a course that plays long, 7,300 yards. What's been the difference for you around here?

SØREN KJELDSEN: I don't know what it was like today but I picked up -- we have this stats system and I picked up a shot and a half off the tee yesterday. Obviously I don't hit it a long way but if I hit it solid and I and hit it into the fairway, it's possible for me to compete. Driving is key for me around here because I can't play this course out of wet rough, that's for sure.

Q. Play was suspended yesterday and we had a minute of silence marking the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I know you're Danish but you spent a lot of time in this country but what did it mean to you, what did she mean to you?

SØREN KJELDSEN: Obviously with the time we spent here, we have some idea of what she went to the British public. I was still surprised yesterday like how affected people were. It was quite incredible, really, and heart sort of warming to see important a person she's been and how loved she was. Incredible. It was -- obviously in a way it was nice to celebrate her life today.

It was very special. Obviously being a foreigner, but having lived here, it's quite overwhelm to go actually feel what the queen has meant to the British people, so I was sort of taken back by that. She was obviously incredibly loved and did a great job. It was a special moment.

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124543-1-1003 2022-09-10 12:36:00 GMT

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