BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Marcus Armitage

Quick Quotes

Q. Bogey-free 44 on Thursday followed up with a 69. You must be delighted the way you bounced back and put yourself in a good position going into tomorrow?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: That's golf in a nutshell, really. You can be one place one week. Had a weird week last week at Himmerland. I didn't feel like I should ever miss a cut there but I did do and it's golf and you brush yourself off and come back stronger. That's what I've done for the first two rounds here. Hopefully I can get it going tomorrow and finish it off.

Q. Top 30 finish last year and crowds are massive this year, sellout for the last three days of the tournament. With the success you've found on this tour, have you found that you have a lot more people following you as well?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: My brand has grown since the first year I played in 2017. I have a good following now. You hear "The Bullet" everywhere. It's pretty cool. Take it for granted sometimes but when you just have a minute to stand on the tee and look around and look at the people watching you, they are all buzzing to be there to watch you play golf and your playing partners.

I'm very privileged and honoured to perform in front of the home crowd and any crowd.

Q. As you go into tomorrow, looks like unless somebody putts in a hot round, 12 or 13 might be leading at the end of the day. How do you go into tomorrow?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: I'm thinking 18 to be fair, so if I do the old Alex Noren 62, I think I'll be good with that, 19-under. But do a bit of practise now and food and see if I can light the fire of 66 tomorrow like Alex Noren did.

Q. Lastly, obviously Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed yesterday and we had a minute of silence this morning. It's affected a lot of different people in different ways. How did the news reach you?

MARCUS ARMITAGE: Was just in the physio room and the news came through that she had passed away. It's a sad day for the country and be I sad time for a few weeks now.

We have to credit her and everything she did. She's an inspiration to every Brit that's out there, and even everybody else in other countries; the fact of what she achieved as Queen, it's truly amazing. She'll be forever remembered.

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124544-1-1003 2022-09-10 12:43:00 GMT

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