BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Min Woo Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Whilst unofficial, course record equalling 62, 14 shots better than Thursday.

MIN WOO LEE: That's just golf. I had a pretty tough year this year other than the majors. I'm proud of that.

Wish I had played a little better in the regular tour events and yesterday looked like it was going to be another missed the cut. I was like, whatever, 13th, 14th after day one. It was nice to just be with the lads and hang out and go check out Buckingham palace yesterday and just have a quiet day and chill.

Obviously that doesn't happen often during tournaments but it was just nice to be with my friends again that I have been friends with for the last few years and see familiar faces. But yeah, just everything decided to go in the hole and it was just one of those days.

Q. Seems that we are all aware of what you're capable of and the kind of scores you can put in. What's changed for you recently? It's been a little while where you haven't really hit that momentum.

MIN WOO LEE: I feel like it's just a couple breaks here and there. Today I started off good and holed a 40-footer and your round is golden from there. I feel like it's one or two things, you get a bad bounce and you're in the rough instead of the fairway. Golf's tough out of the rough. I've been playing in America and the rough is pretty thick over there. I mean, advice would be just to keep it in the fairway. I did that today. It was weird, I'm not usually picking out from the fairway and placing the ball down obviously because of preferred lies, but yeah, it felt like a lot of times where I picked up the ball and wiped it. I mean, I don't think there's much going wrong. I look back and think it's not much, it's just a little bit. It showed today and yesterday. It didn't feel like there was that much different. It was just a bit of positive self-talk.

Q. We love seeing great reactions from players especially when you have the crowd like you do today. Highlight of your day 15?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, it's got to be 15. There was a lot of shots out there that were pretty incredible. I hit a lot of good shots and obviously that one just highlighted the rest. I hit a good drive on 18 and nearly made the putt. That would have been nice, three eagles in a round. It was crazy. Pity about 17 but that's how golf goes. Happy with where I am and hopefully I can do one more tomorrow.

On 18, I told my caddie, I was pretty nervous just because every hole I hit somewhat straight and I decided to hit two out-of-bounds and I knew not to hit it left. I hit a really good drive there and hit a bit of a poor second shot there. I was nearly being too aggressive but I'm playing so well, and just thought I would go for it and not shy way from it.

So yeah, didn't end up going too well but nearly made the putt. I'm happy that I kept my head in there.

Q. Lastly, the passing of Queen Elizabeth II has affected a lot of people in different ways. How did you receive the news when you heard about it on Thursday?

MIN WOO LEE: It was just a shock. I mean, it doesn't happen obviously often, and to the golfing community, as well, we had to stop and a bit of mourning there. It was a shock. I finished and I got the news and it's not really what you want to hear. Yeah, we've went down to Buckingham palace with a few of the boys yesterday and paid our respects to her.

Yeah, we are back and playing golf, and hopefully we can just keep smiles on our faces and play good golf.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124546-1-1003 2022-09-10 12:52:00 GMT

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