BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 10 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Rafa Cabrera-Bello

Quick Quotes

Q. Let's talk about the finish, birdie, birdie, birdie. How did that feel?

RAFA CABRERA-BELLO: It feels great to finish with three straight birdies. You know it can happen on this course, especially on the two par 5s. There's always the crazy eagle, eagle finish that you have in your mind, so you are always fighting till then.

I just hit a beautiful shot into 16 and gave myself a tap-in birdie, and then played 18 beautifully, 2-putt birdie. 17, I had a very nice wedge shot in after having missed the tee shot. So it felt like a bonus birdie.

Q. Being able to make up so much ground over the last couple of holes, is that on your mind at all coming in, knowing what you can do late?

RAFA CABRERA-BELLO: It's not on my mind. I know it can happen. It just reminds you that you have to be very patient on this course. Sometimes you're level, even par over 10, 11 holes and a lot can change from 12 onwards. You just have to keep your head down and keep going and wait till the end because many things can happen.

Q. With the switch to 54 holes, is there more of a sense of urgency today to make that move?

RAFA CABRERA-BELLO: Yeah, I mean, obviously there's like the weekend doesn't exist. It's just moving day or final day or whatever you want to call it. Only one round left.

So you expect the leaderboard to be way more packed at the top, and tomorrow there's going to be a lot of guys with a chance to win and we are going to see some low scores earlier in the morning, as well. So who knows.

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124549-1-1003 2022-09-10 17:06:00 GMT

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