BMW PGA Championship

Sunday, 11 September, 2022

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Patrick Reed

Quick Quotes

Q. Closing 63, when you start the day where you did on the leaderboard, what's your mindset?

PATRICK REED: Just go out there and tidy up a little bit the ball-striking from yesterday. It was a little loose yesterday. But biggest thing was just make some putts. If I see a putt go in and get the putter going, I knew there was a low score out there and just go and do it.

It's always good, playing with Lee, him and I both kind of got going early and with that you're able to ride the momentum going through the back nine. Together as a group, we birdied every hole on the back so we were able to just kind of feed off each other the entire time and the golf swing just felt comfortable.

I think the biggest thing is the putt I made on 4. Made a long putt there for birdie. Kind of felt like I stole one there because it was probably 40 feet. At that point the hole seemed a little larger. Other days this week, the hole seemed about the size of a thimble.

Q. When you have a round like today, does it seem like you left anything out there or is that not fair to say?

PATRICK REED: I definitely felt like there was a couple I left out there. But really as a competitor, as a golfer, every player no matter what can always find a couple shots. I think the biggest thing is shots I felt uncomfortable with this week I was able to execute really well and step up and hit a quality golf shot and able to capitalise on some putts.

Q. There's a lot of tension with the LIV players earlier in the week, given the reception you've got, did you feel welcome and would you want to play more European Tour events going forward?

PATRICK REED: I definitely felt welcome. The guys were very respectful, very nice to me. They were the same as when I come over and play year-in and year-out every time. For me as a player and as an honorary lifetime member, I definitely will come back and play. I don't plan on being one-and-done. I always want to play at least the minimum and continue to hold my card. I take pride in that, I take pride in being a worldwide player and coming over and playing on The European Tour. Nothing will change how I feel about coming over to play.

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