BMW PGA Championship

Thursday, 14 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matthew Baldwin

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk us through the opening round 67. The card looks brilliant, especially with the two birdies on the back end of 9.

MATTHEW BALDWIN: It was good day in terms of conditions. It was as good as you're going to get. Greens are fantastic. Fairways are immaculate. Obviously the weather has been fantastic. So in terms of a scoring day, it's perfect.

For me, I just hit it in all the right spots. Got a little bit fortunate down a couple of holes and stuff, so you have to take that when you can.

Q. How penal is the course playing at the moment? James Morrison was saying as beautiful as it's looking right now, it's probably playing as tough as he's ever seen it?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: I think so. You miss the fairway, it's difficult to find the green from missing the fairway, and certainly if you're above the flags, you've got no chance of getting close to it.

So you've got to be aggressive but cautious.

Q. How much do you approach weeks like this as the flagship on the DP World Tour and the amount of crowds and attention, and of course the field is so strong, you're going to want to be around at the latter stage of Saturday.

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Just try and treat it like any other normal week. I know that's difficult, because it's not. Once you're kind of out there, kind of don't really notice the crowd. You're kind of busy doing your own stuff. Certainly the first tee nerves are a little bit heightened this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136741-1-1003 2023-09-14 12:22:00 GMT

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