BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 15 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Masahiro Kawamura

Quick Quotes

Q. 65 today, not a single bogey on the card. You made it look very easy. Tell us about your round today?

MASAHIRO KAWAMURA: I shot very good today, so very easy on this very difficult golf course.

Q. In the two rounds, you've only had one bogey, probably better than anybody else in the field. How have you managed to keep so many errors off your card?

MASAHIRO KAWAMURA: Yesterday, my tee shot not so good, but yesterday very big day because very bad shot, many bad shot; so yesterday before today I think.

Q. How much did you enjoy playing this tournament last year, top 20 finish. Obviously this is a place that you enjoy?

MASAHIRO KAWAMURA: Yes, this is one of my favourite golf course, so every year enjoy to play this tournament.

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