BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 15 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Adrian Meronk

Quick Quotes

Q. A 68 to go with yesterday's 67. How did the play compare across the two days?

ADRIAN MERONK: Obviously it was a little bit wetter out there in the morning, had a little bit delay. So the course was playing I thought a little bit longer at the beginning. But still you have to hit a lot of good shots here, so I was quite pleased with my game again.

Q. The golf course today, how did it set up? How were the pin positions? Was it more daunting than yesterday or about the same? Because it's a tough test this week.

ADRIAN MERONK: I thought there with were a couple tricky ones in terms of reading them. They were tucked away with like a lot of slopes around them. So it was -- I thought it was tough to read them today.

Q. How excited about the possibilities going into the weekend?

ADRIAN MERONK: Yeah, I'm in a great position, obviously. I would take that at the start of the week. So very pleased where I am. It's only halfway, so we're just going to focus on our game and keep going forward.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136764-2-1003 2023-09-15 17:14:00 GMT

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