BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 15 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Ryan Fox

Quick Quotes

Q. Ryan, another good day at the office, a 68 to follow up yesterday's 69. As it stands, you're just two away from the pack at the top. How do you evaluate your performance today?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, I'm pretty chuffed. This is probably not a golf course that's treated me overly well in the past. I've had a couple good scores, but never managed to put four together. So it's certainly nice to be there or thereabouts for the weekend.

And today was a lot more solid than yesterday. I gave myself a lot of shots, as yesterday I kind of rode a little bit of a hot putter and the short game was good. But I felt like I hit it really well today, bar maybe a couple tee shots.

But, yeah, it feels like a golf course you can get and play off the tee, you've got some chances. And for the most part, I did a really good job of that today.

Q. The West Course certainly did have a sort of reputation once upon a time, but it's evolved a little bit, certainly the rough is up. What's been the biggest challenges you've found? Because it seems to be a little bit more finicky this week.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, I think it's probably firmer than what's been in the past, greens-wise at least, and definitely the rough is up. Used to be I'd get away with -- as long as you didn't miss it in the really bad stuff, if you hit it in the rough, you were kind of fine.

Whereas this week, if you hit it in the rough, it can be a chip-out and, you know, with the greens being a bit firmer than usual, anything out of the rough is pretty hard to control, anything around the greens is pretty hard to figure out what it's going to do too.

So I think that's why the scoring is maybe not as low as it has been, but, you know, as you've seen from the scores, there is a low one out there if you do play well, which is nice.

Q. How much do you relish these weeks, obviously we're at the flagship event on the DP World Tour, these big marquee events where you've got all these fans around you?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, I mean, I love these events. Last week was great and all, and this week is almost a step up from there, you know. We've got a great field this week. It just -- something about this screams big event. The setup of the golf course, all the stands everywhere, it's just a cool event to play, and certainly chuffed I'm around for the weekend.

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136769-1-1222 2023-09-15 17:16:00 GMT

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