BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 15 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Tommy Fleetwood

Quick Quotes

Q. 66, one shot back from the lead overnight. You must be delighted with the way you played, tee-to-green.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, played really well. The start was more frustrating than anything. You know, in the semi on the first, to come up sort of short and didn't get up-and-down, and the third had a good chance and on the fourth.

Even though I was 1-under through four, which is actually a good start around this golf course, I just felt a bit frustrated with how that had gone and today just played really, really well, and a lot of -- like a lot of greens and a lot of mid-range chances and I hit plenty of good putts, but sometimes they don't go in.

17 felt really good just to hole one and finish in the dark and making a birdie. It was a very, very good day on a course that you know can be very tricky.

Q. You've given yourself birdie looks on every hole it seems. You must be so delighted with the way you're hitting at the moment.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: The first to days it's been really, really good because I didn't play particularly great in practise. I didn't feel far off but I didn't play that well.

But yeah, to go out there yesterday, yesterday I hit so many fairways, putting the ball in play around here, you feel like you can give yourself chances and today was the same. I just stayed patient. I knew I was hitting it well. Kept hitting the right shots off the tee and just giving yourself looks, and hopefully by the law of averages, hit some decent putts and some will go in, and maybe there's still my fair share out there over the weekend.

Q. A big sigh of relief that you don't have to come back first thing in the morning and finish it off. When is the last time you finished in near pitch darkness like that?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: It was pretty dark. I was standing with Billy and Adam, and Tom let me hit up on 18. I was looking -- I did say, is it easier 7.00 in the morning or is it easier now, the shot.

Yeah, they let me go which kind of made my mind up for me. They let me go, and I flushed one on to the green.

I don't think I've ever finished in that pitch back black. It was nice to have the screen on the last one and just trickle one in and tap in.

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