BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 16 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. Best round of the week so far for defending champion, Shane Lowry. Sun is shining, beautiful day. Nice round of golf for you today.

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, it was. Played pretty nice. Got off to a great start. 4-under through nine is pretty good. Should be able to make your score better on the back nine.

Probably a little disappointed with 5-under to be honest. I probably felt like I could have shot better but 5-under is still a decent knock around Wentworth, any time you shoot that is pretty good, and it just goes to show how well I'm playing that I'm a little disappointed.

Q. Lots of birdies on the course. So perhaps a little bit of catching up to do tomorrow?

SHANE LOWRY: That's kind of I didn't think I got frustrated towards the end there because you could see the leaders were kind of going away. It's absolutely perfect out there. The greens are pure and if you hit the ball well you're going to have a lot of chances, so yeah, I think I'm too far behind but who knows, stranger things have happened.

Q. The weather is expected to turn tomorrow as well so could be a battle of the elements. You'll come here with that sort of good mindset and go out and just give it a shot?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, regardless of what happens tomorrow, I'm very happy with how I played this week so far, how I played last week, and obviously I've got a very exciting few weeks ahead of me so pretty happy with my form.

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