BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 16 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Callum Shinkwin

Quick Quotes

Q. All the birdies must have been extra special coming off 18?

CALLUM SHINKWIN: Obviously missing the putt on 18 is always disappointing missing a putt but it's 64 at the end of the day and I'm proud of myself.

Q. Going back to the season, fantastic top 10 in The Italian Open, since then obviously a bit of a dry spell, what's been the change since the Irish last week?

CALLUM SHINKWIN: Not much, really. It's just putter and everything, nothing was clicking and it was getting frustrating. Obviously mentally, just overthinking stuff. Just sit down and take some time off and that's what I did after The Open. Take some time off and regroup and feel like it's been better.

Q. Have you come into this week with a strategy to make sure that you're in play, the rough is up in areas, and there's nuance into the greens where the pin positions are?

CALLUM SHINKWIN: Every year, where the pins are, every pin can get close to, if you hit a good shot and if you don't hit a good shot you can't get close.

Q. What are you thinking about tomorrow? Ludvig is commanding a lot of eyes at the moment but there will be a great crowd around regardless?

CALLUM SHINKWIN: Yeah, I'm hoping the English fans want an English player to win it but at the end of the day I've got work to do.

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136778-1-1003 2023-09-16 16:39:00 GMT

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