BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 16 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Ryan Fox

Quick Quotes

Q. Two eagles on the card. How did you find it out there today?

RYAN FOX: It was good. It was obviously very scorable. I think that's my best round here by a couple quite comfortably. There's a lot of really good stuff and there's a couple of iffy shots in there. But nice to see some putts go in, and I hit a couple of incredible shots out there, too, which was nice.

Q. A lot changed at the top. Do you keep your eye on the leaderboard much, especially on the back nine on a Saturday?

RYAN FOX: Not really. Just kind of want to get yourself in position. The forecast tomorrow, it's going to be a pretty tricky day I think. You want to be there or thereabouts. I know guys have shot some low scores to win around here, so it's doable. Nice to go here having a first chance to win tomorrow, so it's going to be fun.

Q. Tomorrow the last tee time will be at 10.30 so unfortunately not that much of a lie in but how do you see the adverse weather conditions changing the course?

RYAN FOX: I've got two kids, so I don't get a lie in any way.

If it's going to be windy, it's really hard to judge swirling through the trees here. It makes yardages really tough to figure out. If we get some wet stuff, the rough is going to be really, really nasty tomorrow. It's thick enough as it is and it's pretty nasty in the mornings when it's dewy but tends to be a little more playable in the afternoon. If we get rain and colder temperatures, it will make it really, really tricky out there.

Q. The tournament has a very rich history. What would it mean for you to stamp your name next to that?

RYAN FOX: I would obviously love to do it. It's a Who's Who of European golf, plus a few others. I would like to add my name to the list of guys that have had a win around here, and the Match Play when it was the final event of the year. I know Cambo has had a win around here, and I would like to emulate him and get my name on the honour's board at Wentworth.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136780-1-1003 2023-09-16 16:50:00 GMT

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