BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 16 September, 2023

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Jon Rahm

Quick Quotes

Q. 67 yesterday, 66 today, what went right out there?

JON RAHM: Everything. Played really well today. Hit it really well off the tee and gave myself a lot of chances and obviously was able to convert a few of them. The front nine, besides the long putt on 8, every other one was very short birdie putts, and it's always a very nice feeling, right, to give yourself a chance to make them.

Great day. Just keep thinking about the little bit of a lull between 12th fairway and 17 tee, right. Having an 8-iron into a par 5, I would have liked have a much better chance to make a birdie and ended up making a par. Missed the green again on 13 and 16 with irons from the middle of the fairway, it's just tough but things that happen. The golf course, it doesn't give you a lot of margin for error and you have to putt the ball in the right spot on the fairway and paid the price a couple times today. It all tends to even out. At least I would like to say so and finished with very unconventional bogeys. Luck might have played a little bit of a role.

Q. A couple crucial par saves on the back nine?

JON RAHM: Yeah, I made a long one on 8, and then par putts on 14, 15, almost made the one on 16. Then made the long one on 17. It's clearly working. Putting a really good roll there. Feels good to be putting well.

Q. You're going to be a few back heading into the final round. What's the approach, is it attack or take your opportunities?

JON RAHM: Same as the last few days but hopefully a better start than yesterday. I just go shot-by-shot, right, and try to hit the best tee shot you can and give yourself the best chance at birdie. We all know how tricky this golf course can be, if you miss a couple fairways early, two or three shots is not much.

Q. And you have a history of going very low on the final day?

JON RAHM: It would be nice to repeat that. That would be incredible back-to-back final Sunday rounds.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
136785-1-1003 2023-09-16 20:38:00 GMT

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