BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 20 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Antoine Rozner

Quick Quotes

Q. How pleased are you with a 65 and an incredible back nine today?

ANTOINE ROZNER: Yeah, I'm very happy. To be very honest with you I've been struggling a little bit with my game a little, so to this this type of round today was very good. I'm very happy. I holed some very good putts on the last few, and I hit the ball very solid. Never really put myself in trouble out there. Super happy.

Q. What are those struggles that you've clearly overcome today?

ANTOINE ROZNER: I think it's just little things. The margins are so small now. It's just like attention to details. Don't take any stupid risk. It's more like strategy. But yeah, if I pay really good attention to all those details, I think I'm still able to shoot some scores like this.

So yeah, just got to keep going.

Q. An incredible start after 36 holes. Fair to say your best golf has not often been played here at Wentworth. What is it about these past two days that have really clicked for you, especially given the occasion?

ANTOINE ROZNER: As I said, I was being very careful with the strategy. You can't really miss on some places out there. So I was being very careful. We've done a great job with my caddie, and again, I made some good putts. So it's always a big help out here.

Q. Feels like the pace of the greens have come up a little bit today since yesterday?

ANTOINE ROZNER: A little bit. And in the morning, they roll very nicely, as well. All the conditions are helpful to hole more putts.

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