BMW PGA Championship

Friday, 20 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matteo Manassero

Quick Quotes

Q. A second round of 68 to round up yesterday's 67 leaves you in a great position going into the weekend. Summarise your second round, if you could, please.

MATTEO MANASSERO: It was a really good round, tee-to-green, especially was really good. I gave myself a lot of chances. The course is accessible if you are playing well, and you can put the ball close, which is sometimes what I did today. I never really got in trouble.

So it was a good round. Really solid, as you said, very happy. I'm pleased where I'm standing.

Q. How did you find conditions? Looks like the speed of the conditions were a little bit truer as the day went on.

MATTEO MANASSERO: Yes, as the day went on, a little bit more humidity on the grass and they got a bit slower, at least for me, I thought so, and left a few putts short compared to yesterday where the greens were running really quick in the morning.

So yeah, the course changes through the day, and today we used all the possible daylight. So it was a long day, and just need to adapt.

Q. You're one of the last groups going into Saturday at the BMW PGA, a little over ten years ago when you had that incredible win. Did you think there would be times where you would be in contention here again?

MATTEO MANASSERO: Difficult to think about that; a few years ago, for sure. But now I'm here having a good year, and I'm pleased that I will be able to witness the atmosphere tomorrow and be part of it.

Yeah, it's always nice to be up in contention at the BMW PGA at Wentworth. I know how it feels, and I will feel it again tomorrow, which is really nice.

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