BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 21 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matteo Manassero

Quick Quotes

Q. No bogeys on the card. 63. Did you see that out there in this weather?

MATTEO MANASSERO: No. Not really. I have to be honest, one of the best rounds I've ever played. Considering the conditions at the beginning especially. It rained a lot, and the course is playing soft but also long. There's not too many birdies out there but I made the most out of all I could, really, and it was a fantastic round.

Q. Were you guys feeding off each other?

MATTEO MANASSERO: I did feel like we did a bit in the kind of mid and second part of the round. It's great, guys like Rory and Billy, and the atmosphere at Wentworth, such a fantastic show. Of course, you feed from that. You feed from playing with the great players. So it was one of those really nice atmospheres.

Q. Back in the winner's circle this year. This is the Flagship Event, you've won here before, and you've got a couple shots in hand as it stands right now. How do you go forward tomorrow?

MATTEO MANASSERO: Of course I will see the leaderboard, and I've seen the leaderboard. I know what I'm going to face tomorrow, and it's great position to be in. But I always try to look at how I can go out there and feel nice, feel good with myself towards the task I'm going to have to face. It will not be an easy task. Golf was great to me today but I will see about tomorrow.

I will take everything in hand and when I go out tomorrow, I will make the most out of Sunday.

Q. A sensational round of golf. How much did you enjoy it?

MATTEO MANASSERO: I enjoyed it. It was a great day. My golf was really good. I made the most of the chances I had. It was a special day. Just fantastic. Great round, and great group we had with Rory and Billy.

Q. You looked so comfortable at the top of the leaderboard. Mentally how good of a place are you right now and how comfortable are you heading into the final day?

MATTEO MANASSERO: I know what I'm doing much more; I think a better perspective about golf and being atop the leaderboard, but it's not that comfortable. It's not easy to compete against at such a high level in tough conditions. It's not easy. It's not like the ideal comfort zone but that's what we work for. That's what we try and achieve. Just happy where I am.

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148434-1-1003 2024-09-21 15:35:00 GMT

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