BMW PGA Championship

Saturday, 21 September, 2024

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Matthew Baldwin

Quick Quotes

Q. Third round here at the BMW PGA. 71 on the card. How do you evaluate today's performance?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: I played nicely. Didn't hole as many putts today as a whole. Missed a couple of short ones which the first one that I missed was a misread and the second one that I missed was a bit of a push.

But I'm proud of the way I played and handled the situation, and hopefully I can do a bit of damage tomorrow.

Q. How was it managing the conditions tomorrow? You got a taste of what might be coming tomorrow.

MATTHEW BALDWIN: It was tough. It was tough. The ball was going absolutely nowhere at the beginning. Such heavy air and the rain. Obviously it's warmed up now. It's nice at the moment. It's getting back to what we were playing the first two days. But certainly the first 12 holes were very dish.

Q. Feels like today you didn't panic at all when a bogey would come, and you would bounce back with a birdie. You're very patient. Is that how it felt?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: Might have looked like that. Yeah, it's something that I'm confident with, not necessarily patience, but just allowing myself to play golf. One of my coaches, Alan Thompson, he's always said can't hit a good shot for fear of a bad shot. That's sort of been my sort of go-to comment about my own golf.

Q. I know you're not going to be excited about the conditions tomorrow but you must be excited about the prospect of what tomorrow might hold for you?

MATTHEW BALDWIN: I actually don't know what the weather is meant to be doing tomorrow. I'm sure it will be a stop/start day. I'll enjoy whatever it brings.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
148435-1-1003 2024-09-21 15:39:00 GMT

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