Hero Dubai Desert Classic

Thursday, 26 January, 2023

Dubaii, UAE

Majlis Course at Emirates Golf Club

Matt Jordan

Press Conference

Q. A challenging but very strange day, how have you found it?

MATT JORDAN: Yeah, well, if you shoot a good score here, you enjoy it. It was challenging in terms of we knew rain was coming and darkness and everything else.

So there was a bit of uncertainty whether we would finish or what happened during the round. I just tried to get off to a good start and keep playing hole-by-hole until we stopped, basically, and thankfully we stopped at the end.

Q. How much tougher is the mental challenges of a day like today, not just the six-hour delay but with water hazards where they shouldn't be and not knowing if play was going to be called?

MATT JORDAN: Yeah, it's tough. I mean, it was nice to see that at 20 past five I could roll back over in bed and have a lie-in so that was nice. But it's certainly strange around here to see kind of water hazards and stuff in places that you don't expect it to be whatsoever.

It is challenging but then at the same time, we've had it plenty of other times over the course, so you start to get used to it, start to learn.

Q. Start of the season, a Rolex Series Event, how important is it for you this week to come away with some worthy points?

MATT JORDAN: Certainly. The difference is quite a lot. So I mean, I remember from last year, I kind of made both cuts last year but did pretty poor on the weekends and realised how much I could have gained at the start of the year. For me that was, yes, something I learnt, and yeah, the fact that it's Rolex, it's rare, isn't it, so definitely, it is big.

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