Q. How did you find it?
DAN BRADBURY: It was pretty cool. Very unique experience. Got a few shouts of my name but they were mainly for Rory but to be expected. It was great having a lot of people out there.
Q. How does it make you feel when you hear your name?
DAN BRADBURY: It's nice. Well, you hear so many Rorys and then you just hear a random "Dan" in the middle of it, you can't help but smile. But it's nice to know that there are people out there wishing me well.
Q. Speaking of Rory, we saw you striding down the fairway having a couple of conversations. Were you picking his brains, any sort of ideas he's sharing with you?
DAN BRADBURY: Not really, no. I don't think he'd probably want to share too much. But no, we were just having a laugh. It's so serious out there, you just have to talk about anything other than golf.
Q. It's a whirlwind, isn't, it going into tomorrow is an opportunity to lift a trophy, you've already done that once but it's a different stage this time. How are you feeling about it?
DAN BRADBURY: Good, yeah. My game is in the right place. I'm obviously playing some decent stuff. Didn't really feel like I got the best out of it the first day or today, so hopefully we can have more of round two tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports