The Senior Open Presented by Rolex

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Carnoustie, Angus, Scotland

Carnoustie Golf Links

Padraig Harrington

Quick Quotes

Q. An opening round of 71. How does that leave you feeling?

PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON: Yeah, okay with it. I think I played well at times out there, and then I struggled the last couple of holes and made some good saves on 16 and 17.

I think 71 is fine. It's well in there. I'd like to play a little bit better for rest of the week but actually probably play the same. Be fine.

Q. This is the scene of your first major championship victory and so you might imagine you come in here with a massive feel-good factor, but I was reading a Golf Digest article and it said no, it's not as straightforward as that. Tell us why.

PÁDRAIG HARRINGTON: I have plenty of demons out there but I do enjoy myself here. So I can enjoy the fact that I've won here. I can enjoy the reception I get here.

But the golf course is tough. There's a lot of -- yeah, there's a lot of defensive shots on the course. You go to 6 with the out-of-bounds down the left; 8 with the out-of-bounds there, plenty of bunkers; and 18, there's trouble everywhere looking at you. It's a golf course that, you know, it intimidates you.

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146786-1-1003 2024-07-25 12:17:00 GMT

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