acciona Open de España presented by Madrid

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024

Madrid, Spain

Club de Campo Villa de Madrid

Shane Lowry

Quick Quotes

Q. You played once in Madrid in 2009?

SHANE LOWRY: Many years ago. It's my first time back in a long time. Nice to be back in Madrid. Staying in the city, it's one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and yeah, it's nice to be here and I'm enjoying it so far.

Q. I have a very important question for you. I know you are a great Oasis fan. Do you have tickets yet?

SHANE LOWRY: No, I'm actually not going to be in Dublin. I'm not going to be around. I'm playing tournaments when they are playing in Dublin. I'm hopefully going to go to Wembley. That's my plan. I don't have any tickets yet, so anyone wants to give me tickets.

Q. Maybe you can have a pint with the Gallagher brothers?

SHANE LOWRY: Oh, that would be fun. I would enjoy that. Huge fan. I'm very happy they are back together.

Q. First time back here at Open de España in ten years. How good is it to be back here in Madrid?

SHANE LOWRY: It's great. It's my first time here at Club de Campo. We get so used to playing golf courses that are wide open and long, and so to come here and play golf courses like this is refreshing, where you need to hit the ball on the fairway and small greens.

I'm excited for the week. I've been here a couple of days now. Madrid is obviously a beautiful city, so getting to explore that a little bit. All in all a great week so far.

Q. You've played some good golf the last two weeks, the whole season to be fair you've played some really good golf. Are you hoping this week it all kind of comes together nicely?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I was disappointed leaving last week. I as obviously disappointed leaving The Irish Open. I wanted to do better and last week was the same story. I feel like I've been all year, yeah, I'm playing pretty solid and having some nice results. But at the end of the day I'm out there trying to win and get myself into position to win.

I feel like I've done that quite a bit this year but I obviously haven't knocked one off yet on my own. Helped Rory over the line at one stage.

Yeah, I would love to, I've got four tournaments left in the season, and my main goal for the next four tournaments is to try and get a win. Obviously this would be a great week to start. You look at this trophy, you look at the names, to add your name to that would be pretty cool.

Q. You've played a few holes around here, the Club de Campo, what are the keys to getting around this course?

SHANE LOWRY: I just think you need to hit the fairways, and greens in reg, like if you hit a lot of greens, I think you'll do pretty well because it's sticky enough around the greens and it's tricky, little slopes. The greens are small. So.

Yeah, you need to be very accurate this week. And then hole a few putts at the right time and you'll be okay.

Q. Here at the Acciona Open de España presented by Madrid, sustainability is a key feature. How important is that to you?

SHANE LOWRY: Yeah, I think it's very important that we have companies like Acciona coming in and sponsoring golf, and then going along with what they want to do and what they want to achieve which is a lot to do with sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint.

I think what they have been doing this week, during the initiative this week is all water, and what I think they are doing is pretty cool and it's great to be a part of that.

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