Q. A terrific start to week the week, and considering the conditions how pleased are you?
JULIEN GUERRIER: I'm very happy about this form. Of course we don't hit a normal shot on this course in these conditions. It's tough to make no mistakes, I made two 3-putts. But great chip, great drive, and you have to hit every shot.
Q. How much is patience key out there?
JULIEN GUERRIER: The patience, of course it's the key, but also it's the momentum. Because the last few weeks, I was missing momentum, and then today, everything goes in the right way.
Q. You talk about momentum. You obviously had a good result here last year, as well. How much was that in your mind about this week?
JULIEN GUERRIER: Yeah, playing good here. The course suits maybe well to my game, it looks like. But I'm very happy to be here.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports